Monday 28 October 2013


Every game has the types of space or surface on which it is played. Football is played on what we call a field or pitch. Sometimes it is played on the shores of a beach.Volleyball also as a surface on which it is played. But interestingly enough tennis as lawn tennis is now known is played on so many different kinds of surfaces. There's the grass, the lawn, the hard court, and the clay which also comes in so many colors; like the blue, red, green and brown clay courts. This feature of the variety of courts alone makes the game so interesting to watch and play as well.

Lawn tennis as we are aware is played on different types of courts. Amazingly, there are some types of courts associated to the four popular tournaments in the world. Which is hard courts for the Australian Open and US Open as well, red clay courts used during the French Open and grass for the Opening played in Wimbledon.
This is the type of red clay court used for the French
Open, taken from the net.

Even though Ghana has not yet reached the global front in terms of tennis, she can boast of modern facilities in terms of courts. There are three types of courts we have here, the lawn or grass courts, the hard courts mostly found in the tertiary and organizations' club houses and a clay court found at the Accra Lawn Tennis Club. 

A quick stroll through most of the courts in Ghana, and one would realize that the condition of the courts are in good shape; unlike the way the building itself is. Most of the courts have no space or accommodation for supporters unlike the ones found in the Western world. But with time all things would be well; as there has been an intervention by McDan a company ready to help this beautiful sports to meet good standards. 

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