Tuesday 1 October 2013


From the last piece outlined on this page it's been made clear the history of tennis not only from its origin in the palace of France but also its inception in Ghana. Again of also how it's name has grown from "real tennis" to lawn tennis and now simply known as tennis worldwide. this is because tennis just like any other sport is very dynamic but unique.  But this week's blog is going to be how this beautiful game is played generally everywhere since it's not of Ghanaian origin; and also talk of the things normally needed before and during the game to ensure good play from the player.

These Balls Were Taken From, http://www.bing.com/images

 As a beginner looking forward to becoming a professional player, one needs a trainer or two to teach and manage this individual in playing, a suitable outfit(shirt;could be loose or tight, shorts or skirts for the ladies, that is if she prefers that, a pair of socks and a pair of sneakers). These outfits must preferably be very comfortable. Tennis player will also need a tennis racket which is very important and a set or two of tennis balls. There types of the tennis ball used in tournaments but the Dunlop, Wilsen and Penn balls are the very popular ones used during Ghanaian tournaments.

In the game, there's the umpire who can be referred to as a referee just like in the case of game of football, basketball or volleyball; and there's the ball boys who pick the ball whenever it goes out of play. There are usually two people involved in the game of tennis each at the opposite sides of the court playing against each other. There are four people in the case where it's a double match tournament and two people play against their opponents. The game begins with a serve from the opponent on the right hand of the court, which is determined by the toss of the coin.
A player has  two chances to serve anytime his/her opponent misses the two chances given him/her. The player is allowed to use the volley grip to serve the ball into play.

 Whenever the ball touches the tip of the net before entering the opponents square it's not accounted for hence the previous server if has not wasted one of the serves still has two serves to do. But when it touches the tip of the net and still stays in his or square of his court then it's a win against the server. Before the player serves he or she calls out "love" all which in the case of volleyball the referee calls out "zero" all. Hence if the opponent wins in the "servers" first serve then the player will call out "love"-fifteen, in lane man's term zero - fifteen. Should the opponent win on the second serve as well the it's "love"- thirty. This is because the first two wins by any of the players is fifteen each the rest is ten. In a case where both players have same points or end up in a tie it's called a deuce for instance 40-40. At this point the next server who is able to overpower or win the deuce against his opponent will then say advantage server. At this juncture should that server win then it means he has won a point of the first set of the game.
 This means during the next serve by any of the party the server would say "one- love all" in the case where the server was the one who won the deuce. But if he or she lost he will say "love all- one". Under normal circumstances a game is played to four points. But because a game must be won by two points or more and not less, play continues from deuce until one player leads by a margin of two or more points. 

There are standardized ways or grips to ensure a perfect play and a less injurious play if not injury-free game. There's the fore-arm grip, which is a normal upfront stroke by the player depending on the hand usage of the player be it left-handed or right-handed. Then there's the back-hand grip, where the player uses the opposite direction of his fore-arm to strike the ball and in so doing the back of his hand be it right or left that he or she uses to play shows in the process. There's the fore-arm volley grip, where the player makes a swing as he strikes the ball upfront. One very important rule, though tennis has not got so many rules as research reveals, the audience or spectators must be at their very best behavior, that is silence whenever the ball is set in motion and it's being played. No cheers at all is expected from the spectators until a ball goes out of the court in favor of their player.

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